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Education Institutions

Pre-school institution “Prvi koraci” Vlasenica
Vuka Karadžića bb 75440 Vlasenica
Tel: 056/733-234

The building of this institution was built in 1981. All groups of pre-school children, with a capacity of 140 children, have been represented, as well as preparatory classes for the school. Kindergarten services are currently used by 30 to 40 children who are cared for by 7 employees.


Primary school “Vuk Karadžić” Vlasenica
Svetosavska 30, 75440 Vlasenica
Tel: 056/733-813

Primary school „VukKaradžić“ originates from the first primary school in Vlasenica founded in 1882 within the Serbian Church Community. Now the primary school is located in a new building built in 1983. The school area of ​​this school is the entire area of ​​Vlasenica Municipality. Education is organized in a central nine-grade school with 735 students deployed in 35 departments and three regional divisions: Mišari, Cikotska Rijeka and Cerska. The total area of ​​the closed school premises is 6,100 m², of which 3,670 m² is used. The central school owns and uses 28 classrooms and a gym. Works in two shifts and has available capacities for 1,800 students.  


High school center ”Milorad Vlačić” Vlasenica
Svetih Apostola Petra i Pavla 37, 75440 Vlasenica
Tel: 056/734-833

High school school „MiloradVlačić“ is located in a building built in 1981, and it originates from the Lower Citizen’s School and the post-war Lower Real Gymnasium. It has 4,900 square meters of useful space, with 23 classroom cabinets, a 400-seat gymnasium, three paved playgrounds and workshops for practical teaching. The capacity of the center is 1,400 students. Currently, 290 students are educated in the following profiles: gymnasium, economics technician, banking technician, physiotherapist, and forestry and agricultural technician. 49 workers are currently hired to work in the center.


Faculty of Agriculture of University of Istočno Sarajevo – Study program Forestry Vlasenica
Svetosavska 87, 75440 Vlasenica
Tel: 056/736-408

This study program started on May 24, 2011. Currently, this study program is attended by around 170 students from different parts of the Republic of Srpska. Modern faculty building, equipped by high standards, is located in the center of Vlasenica, at the site of the former directorate of „Boksit“ company. The reconstruction of this facility in the amount of 2.000.000,00BAM was financed by the Municipality of Vlasenica, so that in this small local community, from which young people left for schooling to larger centers, youth was brought back and educated people retained.