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Daily Archives: 26. фебруар 2018.

Representatives of the Municipality of Vlasenica participated in the final conference within the Project „Birač“

Gordana Trampić, President of the Municipal Assembly of Vlasenica and Željko Damljanović, Head of the Department for Physical Planning and Housing and Communal Affairs, participated in the final conference on the results and good practices of the development of the Birač region that was held yesterday in Sarajevo, organized by the United Nations Development Program / UNDP /. The conference ...

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Officials from the municipalities of Vlasenica, Milici and Srebrenica talked with the Indian ambassador

Ambassador of India to BiH Raul Chabra and Deputy Ambassador of Austria to BiH Volfgang Til visited the municipality of Milici last weekend, where they talked with the officials of the municipalities of Milici, Vlasenica and Srebrenica, as well as the deputy from Milic Radovan Viskovic. Radovan Viskovic, MP in the Republika Srpska Parliament, said that the Indian ambassador had ...

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